
What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that!



7 Years
Extra large
01-03-2018, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:47 AM by Torin.)

Torin padded uneasily between the newly budding willows of the packlands, winter had come and gone and now early spring with it's gradually milder weather was upon them. As his mind so often did it turned to thoughts of Jendayi, he hadn't allowed himself much time to see her recently. His mother's return and his various duties as Iliff had to come first, he was still desperate to prove himself to his family, or was it himself that he was more concerned with?

Regardless he couldn't help the feeling of guilt that came with thoughts of the woman. He had managed to convince her to hang out around the pack for him and yet hadn't taken much time to visit her. If he was honest with himself, there was some fear there of the things she seemed to pull out of him. He wasn't sure how to handle the fluttering in his chest the simple thought of her caused and the blue eyed girl he had shared a kiss with had made him more cautious of those feelings than he might have been otherwise. Torin wished to avoid the hollow feeling the realization his company meant nothing brought.

But he knew he could only put it off for so long. With a sigh he moved away from the lush vegetation of the willows, his paws hitting sand. The day was still early enough that the soft turf below his paws was still cool, having not yet had enough time to soak up the heating rays of the early morning sun. He turned his gaze to the cave on the horizon, he had been there once before and it seemed the most likely place to begin looking for Jendayi and if she wasn't there? Well he'd just search til he found her.

As he finally approached the mouth of the cavern, his gaze once more drawn by the brilliant blues of the glowing flora he felt his breath catch in his throat. Not wanting to intrude for a second time he stood outside the mouth and called out. "Jen-Jendayi?" He had nearly shortened her name and only barely managed to catch himself. He wasn't sure they were quite that familiar yet.
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