
Bones Turned to Stones



2 Years
01-04-2018, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2018, 11:47 AM by Enya.)

Weary paws touched down on the soil, tasting the wet touch of springtime on the grasses as her paws said a silent thanks that no longer were they crossing snow and ice. Her pads had been cracked open several times, and still they were tender, despite her wounds healing over and, thankfully, avoiding infection. It showed in her gait, slow and meticulous, and she chose her path wisely, avoiding any rocks or bramble that might irritate her paws. As she traveled, she noticed that her terrain around her began to change. No longer did the grasses show in fields of green, but grew sparsely, for the textures beneath her shifted from lush soil to harder and more firm rockface.

The she-wolf started to turn, knowing full well that she shouldn't risk reinjury of her paws on such terrain, but something sticking out of the rock face in the distance caught her eye. It looked like... a skull? The female's stomach grumbled at the thought, reminding her that it had been weeks since she'd had anything decent for a meal. Her figure showed it, too. Sure, she was tall, and her fur was thick, but it was also clumpy and falling out, her winter shed hardly maintained and groomed. Her hip bones protruded slightly upon closer inspection, and her muzzle was more defined than plump. She was malnourished, living on rodents and birds when she managed to snag some, living on sticks and what vegetation she could find when she missed her hunts. So, forgetting about the condition of her paws and wincing as her gait picked up, she trotted in a brisk pace straight to the skull. There was no scent of meat in the air, but that didn't mean that at least some part of it wasn't edible. It took her time and whimpering effort to cross the rocky terrain to the bones. When she neared, her gait shifted from a brisk trot to a straight bolt. Her mouth was already salivating, and her saliva was dripping from her jaw. As she neared the skull, she noticed something peculiar about the piece. First and foremost, it was quite larger than she had anticipated. She was surprised to see that the skull its self was the size of her, and now understood why she could see it from such a distance, and why it had taken her such a trip to arrive. Secondly, she noticed that the skull wasn't exactly resting with an entire body behind it. No, the skull itself was exposed, having been cracked from a rock, it was only exposed partially. What would be a nose, and where eyes would go, were exposed from the rock face, but the lower jaw, which was somehow still attached, along with the back of the skull, was still sunken into the rock, shielding the bones from the female's hungry teeth. Enya took a moment to appreciate the strange structure, never having seen anything in it's existence before, but then promptly reached out to some of the exposed bone and bit down. There was a satisfying crunch... then nothing.

Not quite understanding that years of exposure to the elements causes bones to wither away and become brittle, Enya reached up to the skull and bit at it again. Another chunk of it broke off and fell away, tasting like dry dirt in her mouth. Growing angry that there was nothing to gain from her venture across the lands, Enya began to grumble under her breath, reaching up to break off another piece of brittle bone, only to toss it to the ground angrily. She had dislodged three large teeth from the skeleton by now, and all three laid at her paws. Food was right in front of Enya, but it wasn't food at all. Suddenly exhausted from the lack of nutrition and her exertion of energy to get to this waste of time, she plopped down on her rump. Her angry growls turned to a whimper, and her head dropped down. Of course she couldn't be the lucky one to find a free meal.

Ooc// first post, hope it's alright! All replies appreciated <3 I usually am a fast replier.  

[Image: 2hnqhaq.jpg]