
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin



7 Years
01-04-2018, 12:33 PM

with the Devil ||

Anticipation was met with wholesome satisfaction as she recognised him at last, "Setekh."
his name poured like searing whiskey from the wavering tongue of profound intonation and accent while pomegranate gaze remained honed upon the outlandish visage clad in ashen brown decorum. In hushed, stilled temperance did the babe hearken the winteresque timbre as it slipped beyond the shadowed curve of those boyish, raven-skinned lips hissing with their serpent promises lain upon a pallet of veiled destruction. How I could tear you apart and torpidly hush guilt-ridden whispers. Your demise would not plague me so woefully, no, it would deliver me delights upon a sterling plater. But desire and lust wraps around my heart and makes it harder to breath in your presence. Wickedry summoned; foul disdain etched upon the furrowed curve of her porcelain brow betrayed only by the etching smirk carved delicately upon her maw while it severed and quivered with the beguiling possession of a siren's haunting aria. Yet she pushed her further into the scenery, he was the same, wanted her destruction yet was not strong enough to provide it to the Heavens above. They were the same. Hate mixed with burning passiong, they both should find their death in flames but here they were, desireing each other. At last, they found each other. "Spare me your guidance and practiced sympathy for you are the one that left me."
Haunches folded into the prim, proper example of refined regalia - she, an image of seraphic divinity offering tributes of fortified peace to those whose vision laid upon her. A smile warm, tender and compassionate waged war with calloused malignancy until wreath and the babe laid upon the ground as her brother so desperately desire and she appeared the very portrait of sanctified, celestial matron. "Where were you when I needed you, Setekh?!"
Haughty whisper chimed upon the drawl of fury and confusion that betrayed her. "The things they did to me. The way they touched me. Unforgivable. "


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together