
Bumbling buzzing bee



3 Years
01-04-2018, 01:52 PM

He doesn't know! Mammon felt her stomach twist at the realization that her brother wasn't aware that Bel was... dead. The thought of it still sat like a pit in her stomach. If there was a god, not a false one like her "grandfather" but a real one than he had a twisted fucking sense of humor and Mammon hoped one day she's get to extract her revenge on him; how dare he make her have to share this news with her brother. Had she not suffered enough? All these thoughts swirled in her mind, all the while her face a mask of stone and she pushed on towards their target as though no such turmoil was playing out within her.

As they approached the stranger Mammon eased her expression into one of desperation. The woman had seen them and watched them with what Mammon could only guess was trepidation. Doing her very best to look as pathetic as she could she spoke, allowing her voice to waver and break, better to let the woman think of them as weak. "Please M'am, would you be so kind as to share a bit of your hunt?" She put a bit of uncertainty into her request, knowing how territorial some wolves could be about their kill, her brother included. "My Brother and I have been stranded up here for weeks, a blizzard trapped us within a cave and I'm afraid our strength is now too fleeting to be of much use catching anything. Please we only need enough to gain back enough strength so I may catch something for my brother." She glanced back at Bee and despite herself offered him a cheeky wink, no doubt he'd threaten her with sitting on her for this comment but she simply couldn't help herself.

"He's a bit slow M'am, he can't hunt for himself and doesn't understand exactly what happened only that he's in pain." She allowed herself to falter somewhat, wavering on her paws to help with her story. She only hoped Bee wouldn't prove himself to actually be too simple to play along.

Sweet nothings & Dangerous Thoughts

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]