
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
01-04-2018, 02:02 PM
OOC: "Don't be afraid to catch feels" -sobs uncontrollably-
The serpents head reeled back as her words hit him like a truck. With a snarl that shook the core of his being, the wolf turned and got into her face, his rage boiling, spewing, and erupting as his voice burst through the choking air, "Sympathy!? Does it look like I need your fucking pity!?" Saliva shot from his mouth toward her face, which only enraged him more, tail lashing to and fro, shoulders rising, hair standing on end. In this moment, he took on his true form, the evil within bursting forward like it was all he had ever been. Irises burning, Setekh stared into her face with all the anger he could muster, all sense of sadness, love, lust now lie buried beneath unbridled rage and hatred, "If you haven't noticed, I'm still here without your help. I made it, no thanks to you or my other fucking mercy angel," The words he spat were toward their fair colored sister, hasty to drag them both down into the pits of hell with him. If I burn, you burn with me. Venomous bitches... I was rid of you! I had my life without you... And then you come waltzing into my life like the damsel in distress, here to make the world yours. Not in this fairytale.

"Get off your high-horse, princess, I didn't have a choice! Her body wasn't even cold when you and Sekhmet vanished without a trace! I was there as she grew stiff, cold, and hard! I was there when the flies started their feast!" The brute spat these words at her, a knife for a tongue. The brutes' eyes shifted then, his whole body changing. Those golden eyes, filled with hatred, rage, fire, were suddenly icy. Tears flowed from them freely and he shook his head out of the pain from reliving this memory, "I ate her!" He wailed, his voice breaking, his eyes tightly shut, tears littering the ground. His sobs were choking back some of his words, but they tumbled out of him, scorching his throat like being pulled from him by the underworld itself. His voice was barely a whisper as he spoke, "... You never realize true hunger, never! It's-it's so quick, so terribly quick... She was so beautiful - so, so beautiful! I was starving, there-there was nothing else, no one else. Dad, gone... You and Sekhmet vanished... I was so young, so scared... So hungry." His eyes opened and he looked at her, really looked at her. Right then and there, he was the broken man before her, and he let his head hang almost to his front paws. "I ate mom, Nephthys... I ate, and became ill... Ill in so many ways."

With a shuddering sigh, he stared at the earth, watching the last of his tears fall, and the silence between them, only mildly interrupted by the bubbling vat beside them. The vile gurgling reminded him of that sickness, and he shuddered. His ebony lips parted, and for the last time this moment, he spoke softly, and very slowly, "... I didn't know, Thys. I am sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't there... I'm sorry I couldn't find you. Had I have known, had I have been there..." He paused, looking up at her with a new found fire, one that was still full of pain and hurt, but this time something else shined there, something sinister, his tear stained lips drawing to a devilish smile, "You know they would have been sorry. They would have paid for all they had done to you. They would have wished, prayed for their deaths." Blood is thicker than water, sister. Believe me... He thought, hoping that she'd realize that he'd been through a lot as well. Setekh hated thinking of what could have happened to her, his eyes trailed over her body, knowing all too well that his desires were mirrored from those that probably broke her. Though no scars were visible, the ones that lie beneath the skin were probably the most painful, most sore, and took the longest time to heal. Bruises, and scratches heal, but emotional rips never quite heal right, do they? He spoke again, his words hollow in the void, he spoke now, hoping she'd answer, "Where do we go from here? Can you forgive a blood-bound sinner, for I know I'm no saint... I can't lose you again Thys."

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.