
Bones Turned to Stones



2 Years
01-04-2018, 03:18 PM
Finding this place to be rather interesting in the first place, Horus discovered another cool trinket he wanted to add to the growing pill of necklace items. He had them stashed away here in Auster in a secret location only known to him. The green gem among the pile of bones and teeth or his recent prey. He was looking for something else to fill the void of his empty neck when a scent caught his nose. It was a scent he hadn't smell since he entered this rotting area. Food... His tummy rumbled with unintended noise. He could tell form the scent that it was fresh and headed up from the valley below. maybe a creature with a sense of adventure? Whatever it was it would get the little thing killed.

Horus trudged through the snow though it wasn't as thick as it had been before. His paws still became tender to the touch. The ridge itself was in view now, and the prey he was after right in front of him. It was strange though that he could see it from here. It looked like a blotch of color against the side of the rock face. Hehehheee.. He mumbled to himself. Rock face. Since it was a skull? He shook his head and continued on his way.

It wasn't until he was right up on the creature, about 3 bear lengths away, that he noticed he was stalking another wolf. Irritation flattened his ears to his skull as the scent should have given it away. He just wasn't a good hunter and that was the end of that. He was about to turn around when he saw the wolf do something weird. She was eating the face off the ridge? His jaws clamping around the bones and breaking them off? Was that even satisfying or nutritious? He took a few steps closer at an even and nonthreatening pace. He was sure she could scent him now and if she turned around all she would see is a gaunt looking wolf. His ribs poking out and his hips showing in the back. None of this was new to him though he looked this way most of his life. Instead what would catch her attention was the creamy tones of his pelt and the matching yellowish gold eyes that sunk into his skull a bit. "What in the world are you doing? Other then desecrating a landscape that's been here for.. " He paused and took a big sniff. "Generations?" He finished the sentence but the only scent that he really picked up was hers. It was strong and yet very weak at the same time. He wondered where she was from.
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me.