



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-04-2018, 05:30 PM

Whatever else Jendayi may have been, Amon could appreciate her intellect. She seemed to have no difficulty detecting the nested meaning in Amon's words, and the man smiled. What would their next meeting hold, if they had a next meeting at all? Well, it was certainly circumstantial, and Amon was no prophet. "Well, I suppose that would depend on the lands we find ourselves in." He doubted very much that a wolf who would avoid stepping over boundaries others had set, be them physical or metaphorical, would choose to trespass. Then again, he had no assurance other than her word that she was who she said she was, and that was as good as useless.

She thanked him for the information, and he nodded his head in a gracious pseudobow. He was no stranger to cultivating debt, whether or not this strange fae would recognize it as such. Whether or not she felt she owed him in explicit terms, a friendly regard could be just as useful as any particular urge to repay. "Certainly," he said, lifting and waggling a paw as if to dust the comment away. "It can be quite the adjustment, particular when the seasons are at such strong odds. I hope you find that it suits you." At last he stood and gently shook out his coat.

Amon did not want to overstay his welcome, nor was he keen on drawing out the platitudes of fresh acquaintanceship. If they met again he would tend to whatever budding seeds this initial meeting had planted, but for now Amon believed he had exhausted his uses for the woman. "I'm afraid I will have to bid you a good day and take my leave," he said, ever gracious. With a dry chuckle he tacked on, "An emperor's daily itinerary is unfortunately endless," in a bid for humor. He wondered if the mortal fae would think it an abrupt departure, wondered whether or not she would take offense. In the end Amon decided that wasn't really his problem.


"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!