
Exploring the Colors


07-04-2013, 02:27 AM

"Ah," Aeil replied, nodding her head to Irin's explanation. She figured that it was indeed a nice place to choose for a one evening doze. "I don't blame you for choosing this place. The forest is serene, there are quiet places to claim for your own, and the view from your den is lovely in the spring and summer." Imagining the brilliant colors of the flowers and trees in warmer weather brought a bigger smile to Aeil's face. "You're a traveller, too? That sounds like a new adventure everyday." Her eyes changed color, now revealing the usual dark navy blue.
"Me?" She mused to herself and the white fae walking next to her for a few seconds. As she did, she took note of how Irin had become more relaxed since their first meet-and-greet. It made her happy to see her walking companion more at ease than before. With this in mind, she answered Irin's question. "I came out here to see the sunrise, but also because I know the scenery here is worth the time." Her tail lightly swept behind her as they neared their destination. "I am also a member of the nearby pack, Seracia. I'm still fairly new, but I hope that I become well adjusted to their customs and meet a lot more members." Aeil's heart lightly skipped a beat as memories of Gerhardt and Bane's chance meetings came across her mind. "The ones I have met so far are good wolves, meant to be a part of my family."
