
Pounding Metal



7 Years
01-05-2018, 12:30 AM

Table & Art by Vethysnia
As the leaf made it's final journey to the earth it fell in a graceful tumbling motion, seeking the least resistance from the air. Already dead, yet it's color and it's dance were so alive. It's descent was utterly silent until it joined it's earth below, and even then the noise was barely audible. She knew she needed it for what she was about to do; gracefull paws resembling tea-cups in size were placed upon it, the babe resembled a conqueror with the elegance of a Queen as she found the first object she will need in her craft. It was of importance but now where is she going to find a straight piece of metal that will fit for the leaf? Just as she thought of it her auditory system rotated towards the source of a sound, mumbling, it got clearer as cleare just as the word "uncle" was accentuated.

Pomegranate optics roll, a sigh escaping her toracic cavity. "Mare." (Great.) the angellic sonates rolled off her tongue in a thick egyptian accent, frustration, anxiety building up within her being. It was Horus, the man that claimed to not only know her father but also share the same putrid blood as the bastard. "Ego potest non tollendum huiusmodi." (I cannot get rid of this kind.) a sight associate the syllables, voluptous, black lips peel to reveal murderous canines, a growl building within her throat.

"Ipsum revelare, Horus." (Reveal yourself, Horus) thunderous growl, the back of her throat burning; fury, frustration, deep within her soul the emotion burned, her uncle added gasoline to the fire, flames consuming her, pulling her soul further into the abyss. It was not his fault, she knew, it was not his fault but within his veins the same blood poured, the same damned blood, the same curse. "Qui congregat thesauros quaerere nec me nihil scire et prodigiis...Et perdidisti." (I know nothing of treasures and I seek no wonders..I got lost.) the last words came as a sigh, auditory system lowered on her crown; luxurious tail embracing her paws into a warm and false sensation of security as her leaf, her conquest stood dead underneth her paw. It was not his fault.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together