
I Do What I Want! You Have Problem?



7 Years
Chrono I

01-05-2018, 12:18 PM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

Location: The Wall
OOC: Aranea told Rain to stay back at the den if Rain wants to join.

"Nuada!" She shouted with only a little ounce of anger in her voice. She was mostly a sweet creature and the only other emotion she usually felt was her current depression.

She walked in a rush, just about getting ready to start a sprint because her most "angelic" children who did nothing wrong was right in front of her completely ignoring that she even existed. "Nuada! Get back here now!" She started her sprint and would easily catch up to the trouble child. Surely she knew that Nuada was a little more hesitant to listen than Rain but she never imagined she would just waltz out of the pack lands as her mother always told her not to.

Perhaps she was a little too harsh, or at least too worried. She didn't want her children out of her sight, but she knew Nuada had gone out and met one of the other young pups of the pack. She knew it was the way of motherhood to see your children grow and move on and of course it hurt her like hell but she would try to be as lenient as she felt needed so her children wouldn't grow up to resent her. She did after all have very loving parents that she couldn't truly remember and hated until her last breath for giving her up or abandoning her of whatever. She wanted her kids to always be safe and loved by her and Tyranis. Even with his duties as an Alpha.

She swatted her paw lightly at her daughter, catching her at her chest and spinning around in front of her so she couldn't go anywhere else. "You know not to go outside the pack! Now turn around and we will go back home."

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead