
You got me good



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-06-2018, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2018, 07:44 PM by Dragon.)

He smiled as she followed, chuckling at her comment about the plains. Glancing up, he was saddened to know that he'd never see them again. The sky was illuminated with all sorts of stars and amazing visuals of bits and pieces of planetary shadows, but all he could really see now was the darkness that took up most of his vision now. Though he'd never be able to see his beloved sky for much longer, he took comfort in knowing that at least he'd still know where each star sat above his realm. "Remember when I we first met? The moment I saw you, you reminded me of the night sky here. I guess you could say I'm glad to know that even when my sight is completely gone, I'll always have a piece of it close to my side." Turning his gaze to her, he smiled again as he continues to lead the way across the plains.

Knowing that she'd be at his side made him feel warm. Like maybe life wouldn't be so bad without being able to see anymore. The castle loomed in the distance, heart jumping up at the prospect of finally having someone to share his room with. It was a large one, and with just him and his companions, it often made him feel small and alone. "I sleep in the castle over there. Some of the pack members sleep in there as well, and some sleep out here in the plains. And some choose to have dens in both places. Before we turn in for the night, I guess we should get down to some...official business eh?" He paused for a moment, the earthen male slowing his pace. "What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are? We need to find you a suitable rank, but of course you don't have to decide tonight. We have everything from both offensive and defensive warrior positions, healers, hunters, trackers, bounty hunters...and I am considering adding in other things to suit those who prefer to do things like crafting and stuff." He thought about it for a minute, wondering if there was any ranks he was missing. While he had some new ones brewing in his head, he still felt like he had to work on those ideas more. "Of course if you want to decide later or do a few tests to see where you're better suited, then we can place you as a regular member for the time being."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Kimahri" Shiva

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.