
Ripples and Fractals [Iskra]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-06-2018, 08:03 PM

A long suffering sigh slipped past Ashiel's lips. Why did he bother trying to get a straight answer out of a spirit? Her answer to his question pretty firmly marked her as some sort of trickster in his mind. To do things without reason. Pyralis certainly seemed sporadic but to his mind she always had a reason for what she did even if it wasn't immediately obvious.

The spirit offered up some small answer but Ashiel found it dissatisfying. For fun? Randomly splashing wolves for fun? He felt a stab in his chest and looked away. Ok, so she sort of had him there. He and Asharya certainly got into that sort of trouble when they were younger but he was no longer a child. He was going to be a great and mighty leader.

She leaned toward him and asked why he wouldn't want to play in the water. He scoffed. "Because I am not a child obviously. Play and silliness is for children and I have a great task laid before me that needs tending to but you needn't worry about that." He smirked then froze as she asked him if he were related to Malleus and Pyralis. He stared at her for a moment taken aback. "Yea… Malleus is my cousin, Pyralis is my mother. How do you know them?" She introduced herself as Iskra Aeris. Aeris? Why did he feel like he knew that name? "I'm Ashiel Abraxas."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.