
Pounding Metal



2 Years
01-06-2018, 11:53 PM
He heard the voice and headed over in the direction it came. His hips and shoulders bobbing over the hillside like a easy and bouncy rabbit. His motive nothing but to get to know his niece a bit more before confront his brother about it later. She was a pistol that's for sure.. last they met she seemed like a helpless princess then the time before that she was ready to start a fight. A sigh echoed through his mind at the memory. When his eyes finally met her pelt he could feel an anger start to bubble in his chest. She was using a language he'd long since forgotten. His mind reading out the voice like a scroll unraveling. She was speaking in a tongue he refused to be apart of since the storm had separated his family.

He waited though.. Letting his anger bubble and boil. Stupid girl.. He thought and took one more step to alert her to his presence. Only when he did he pulled back his lips and gave a fearless snarl. His tail rose in a frenzy of cream and white fluff. The tendrils of fur falling all over his spine and hanging like a human's scarf. Horus would demand her submission this time around. She dared speak his tongue.. And curse in it all the same. Even her attitude called for some change since she had used a tone unworthy of his stature. "You would speak in this tongue you barely understand.. To a male who grew up under that umbrella of hatred and family bonds.. Yet you give him dishonor and let your pride take you a step to far." His growl seemed to deepen and Horus took a step toward her in a threatening manner. "I doubt you even are aware where that language started or how far it fell into the sands when your grandfather destroyed us." If there was one thing he hated more then anything in his life it was the person who cause his families demise. "Use that tongue around me again and I will cut out that pretty little tongue of yours. Does that make us clear or do you need a bit more encouragement?"

(Horus is starting a fight if you so choose to dash his dreams or to just lay down we dont have to :3 I hope you don't mind him taking a step toward where he wants to be.)
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me.