
Whats the worst that can happen?



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
01-07-2018, 02:46 PM

A pair of silver eyes, complete with the deep blue starburst of color around one pupil, watched the progress of a much larger wolf through her birthland. The tiny priestess evinced no alarm at his passage - on the contrary, those eyes in her pinched, delicate face simply blinked slowly as she watched from her cave-den hidden high within the wall of the gorge, not far from the one in which she had been birthed. Her mother rested within there now, coaxed from her isolation in the red forest to somewhere closer to where Alfrun could keep a close eye upon her and care for her in her declining years. Watching this stranger now, Alfrun thought to herself that he would quite shortly be finding his own decline, as the little blue flowers disappeared into his hungry maw. From this distance, she could not be sure if it were larkspur or aconite, but either way he would be meeting the gods far sooner than if he'd just chosen to starve.

She watched quietly as a swarm of glittering fairy-lights followed along with him as he staggered and stumbled out of sight behind some rocks, watched as they touched lightly on his fur and darted away before returning, trailing dark red like blood. Alfrun sighed. "Jeg ser dine ønsker, Eir, valkyrie, gudinne, veileder for healere. Jeg vil adlyde." If she could save the poor fool from his folly it was clear that her duty was to do so. If she hurried, and he had not consumed too much already, she thought she could.

Carefully she separated from her stores the remedies she felt she might need regardless of which of the gorge's deadly plants had been ingested. A few herbs of various types to treat his symptoms, because she knew that would be all she could really do as the poisoning itself would not be curable, only endurable. Then a carefully tapped out measure of powdered charcoal from the cupped moose shed it was currently stored in. Charcoal was not so easy to find simply laying around, and it had taken her some time to acquire this store, scraped painstakingly from the trunk of a lightning-struck oak and carried all the way back to the gorge, then powdered by rolling a rock over it with her paws, over and over, until it was evenly crushed. It would not be easily replaced, so she would not like to waste it if she could manage otherwise.

Wrapping the whole of the burden in a cured rabbit skin, the ethereal viking female meandered down the path from her storehouse towards where the male had disappeared. Blinking serenely at the slate-gray form, so much larger than her own, she carefully set down her bundle. "Heill ok sæll," she said politely, blithely ignoring the meaning of the old, old greeting. A head tilt to study him curiously, then she asked, with her words lisping past the cleft lip on her pale side, "Are you aware that you ingested poison?" If he had known what he was doing, if he had done it a-purpose, there was certainly no call to seek to save his life needlessly. She saw no reason to intervene if he had sought death.