
I'll eat you whole


07-04-2013, 03:21 AM

She wasn't here dammit, she wasn't here! Where the hell was he supposed to look for now. He had practically scoured the entirety that was Alacritis and he hadn't found a single trace of her. How was it possible that the queen of Tortuga, a pregnant woman for pete's sake, go missing? Someone must have spotted her somewhere, at some point in time, but if anyone knew where she was, no one was coming forth. He wanted to approached every single wolf in Alacritis and ask them if they knew where Des was, but that would just be too time consuming. He would waste his time asking a whole bunch of wolves who probably didn't know where she was and most like didn't care either. But what else could he do? He was literally running out of options. He couldn't leave Alacritis. What if she suddenly came back when he left? What if she gave birth here while he was supposedly out looking for her? He couldn't risk missing the birth of his children and as much as it pained him, the white man forced himself to stay within the confines of Alacritis, to roam its borders day and night, looking for any sign of his missing wife.

The woman atop the rocks looked like Desdemona, but it was obvious by the color of her eyes, the lack of bulk in her frame and the obviously flat abdomen that she wasn't his wife. So close and yet so damn far. He had to keep looking, he had to keep trying. She was bound to appear sooner or later. He just hoped that she was still alive and well when he found her, their pups as well. The ivory brute had been about to begin when the amethyst eyed woman called out to him, asking him to stop as she came down to his side, asking him if something was wrong, if she could help with anything. Mismatched gems looked uncertainly at the smaller alabaster female, unsure if her intentions were true, if the sincerity in her voice was genuine, but responding to her regardless. Unless you can somehow miraculously locate my pregnant wife, then I'm sorry, but you can be of no help to me. Never one to forget his manners, Demonio kindly turned down the woman's help. He had never seen her around these parts, and her scent told him she was a rogue. If she'd just arrived, there would be no possible way she would even know who his wife was. He would be wasting his time if he asked her to help him when it was clear that she couldn't provide the kind of help that he so desperately needed.

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