
I wash my hands of this weirdness...


07-04-2013, 03:21 AM
Jack thought as the woman spoke. His face remaining as blank as ever. When she finished speaking, he emerged from his hiding place, standing atop a boulder that jutted out just above hers. His head was high, posture straight and tail held high. His brown eyes fell on her as she looked around for him, though now he could be seen. His shadow fell across her, sun shining past him making him appear as a dark figure till he shifted so that he could be clearly seen from her angle. Her words sounded calm and innocent. A shame...what if something were to happen to her? He chuckled a little as he approached.

"Oh I've seen a pirate around these parts, and yer starin' at 'im lass." He lied on his belly, paws crossed and dangling over the rock as he lowered his head closer to her. "The names Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Lord. And don't you forget it lass." He emphasized on the word Captain,letting the name sink in. "And you lass? Who is the girl that is exploring these parts by her lonesome eh?"