
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin

Setekh I


6 Years
01-08-2018, 08:01 PM
OOC: -yawns tiredly- I'm sorry this took so long and wasn't that great x.x But the end result is that Setekh loves her, so much. ;-;
For a moment, Setekh was in shock. They were there. His head reeled, and internally, his stomach flipped, churning. I blamed them for my demise, and they were there too... Another tear rolled from his eye, but this time it didn't fall on the ground. In mere moments, after his explosion, after her words touched the air, he felt a new warmth. His tear stained her multi-hued pelt, and he fought back more. Instantly, he was aware of more than just himself, and he swallowed, a lump rising in his throat. What did he say? What could he say? After what he assumed about Nephthys, practically accusing her of leaving him. Why can't I remember her? His brows furrowed as he focused on the memories he held, trying to see them. All he could focus on was the sickness, the pain, her death... Wait, His ears flattened and he spoke aloud, in a strained whisper, "How did she die?" He didn't expect an answer, the darkness in his life sticking to the edges of his minds eye. That's when his blood ran cold, and the whole world fell away; Nephthys' tongue caressed his neck fur.

The brute shuddered and sagged, leaning into her, pressing against her. His head tilted, a little bit, just enough for his nose to touch her ear, to feel it against him. With a small smirk, the brute let his teeth grip at the tender flesh beneath her ear fur. He nibbled, ever so gently, grazing down from the tip to the base, before drawing away from her, just slightly, to snake his neck down, bringing his head level with hers. He pressed his black nose on hers, touching, his eyes closed. Setekh reached toward her, his front paw curling around hers, drawing her closer, as his lips parted, his tongue refreshing the glistening sheen of saliva along his fangs. The pink tongue reached out, tenderly, his eyes burning, cautious, as he let the tip caress her chin. He wanted to see her smile, the pain worn on her face was one he never wished to see again. "There is no need for us to speak of the past," His voice was soft, almost angelic but the words were danger, "If we do talk though, can it be in tongues?"

With that, the brute drove his cheek into hers, brushing himself into her, erasing all the pain she could have, would have felt from the others. His teeth leaving their marks, kissing, biting, teasing. He was tasting her, as well as sizing her up. Her responses gauged in what he did next. As much as Setekh felt for Nephthys, he also felt against her. It was a double edged weapon of mass destruction, and his desires drove him forward, toward the belly of the beast. For a moment, the brute paused, thinking only once of the implications of being in such desire for his sister, his sister! But the thoughts passed as his ravenous hunger grew, pushing against his loins, driving him mad and sick with lust. He pressed himself against her, his whole body trailing along her side, and he turned again, on her other side. You burn me, with your hellfire, His eyes shut as he drove loving nibbles from her chin down, drawing his teeth down her shoulder, nipping tenderly, not wanting to harm her, and he stopped drawing back, I love you, I love you so much Nephthys... He dared not utter these words, but he hoped his message was clear.

He walks. "He talks." He thinks.