
If My Heart was a House You'd Be Home


07-04-2013, 06:02 AM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

She was quickly noticed by the ebony woman preforming the ceremony, an ageless looking woman with eyes that spoke of wisdom and age. The snowy temptress returned her nod respectfully, tiara dipping between her petite shoulders for a brief moment before letting her gaze be returned to the pair before her. As the ceremony ended, the couple shared a tender moment, warming the icy rose's heart. She was happy for her friend, to have someone who cared for her in such a way. All those thoughts came tumbling into the ivory woman's infinite mind, but were silenced as Song noticed her. "I have no doubt in my mind you can't remember, Song." She said with a smile, soft, silky voice weaving itself into the air, otherworldly in it's tone and tinged with a faint Russian accent. "You told me just a little while ago, and I decided to surprise you!" She added, chuckling. It sounded like the tinkling of tiny silver bells, and the beautiful call of the mockingbird. Her gaze was then turned to the charcoal pigmented male at Song's side, watching her curiously with slightly mismatched eyes. This was the esteemed Cherokee, the one who stole Song's heart. The giantess' eerie silver gaze bored into his, searching him for any sign's he may be of danger to her, anything that seemed wrong, but she could find nothing, and was glad. She returned his smile cautiously, still the same old quiet Aurora. Song's festive hunt sounded splendid, and the lean woman stood in one fluidly graceful motion, smiling at her and resting the side of her face against the cream coloured fae's shoulder. "Congradulations on getting married, my dearest, my apologies for being late." She said, removing her head from the odd gesture and looking down at her with a broad grin. She was ready for the hunt, lithe muscles ready for the run, the adrenaline, the thrill of the kill that was once seen a sin. She waited, patient and statuesque.
