
[Kaine] little spirits



4 Years
01-09-2018, 11:04 PM
Pain changes a heart, love it in the present.

The man was moving closer and she was unsure of this. Unsure of his intentions. Then he was there, at first it seemed innocent but then his words sounded and she looked at him slightly confused. HE was going to show her something. She stayed seated as she had been and waited. His paw lifted and touched her and she jumped at the touch. The jump helped him and she didn't even realize it. He was on her in seconds, like Ariet had been. Her eyes widened and from fear she froze. Her ears pressed back and there were more words. Words she didn't quite comprehend in her state of fear and shock. He had been so nice she thought, then he did this, just like Ariet.

Teeth sunk into her scruff and snapped her back to the present situation. She did her best to put her tail between her legs but that did not deter him. She tried to snap at him as his hold tightened and held her there, but all she succeeded in doing was in making blood trickle down her scruff, from small punctures by the excited males teeth. There was fire and pain. Blood flowed and she was screaming out yelps as she was violated again.

-fade to black-

As soon as he released her she was turning on him. In a quick motion as soon as she was released she rounded on him, yanking herself free, aiming to sink her teeth into his face. then she was off, running with her tail tucked for home. Alois would find her later she knew. The biggest thing on her mind was getting home and scrubbing his filth from her. Her insides were on fire, and she could feel his fluids mixing with the blood between her legs. only this time the blood was not as bad. In fact she would later find there was hardly any blood. She wanted nothing to do with this male that unknown to her and possibly him, had just impregnated her. Her feet were on fire as she crossed the dessert to reach the oasis of her home.

-exit unless stopped-

Walk, "Jewell "Alois" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.