
'Til Death Do Us Part (Medusa x Newt)

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-04-2013, 07:10 AM

The air was heavy with the stench of blood and sweat. His vision was painted red as he watched his mother and this Medusa woman duke it out. His mother would win; she had to! Eyes burned with curiosity and rage as he watched the scene, pressed protectively against Syn's side. He felt unstable as Newt began to falter, and he leaned into his sister to steady him. Snarls and barks left his throat with resolve, his growing anger and hatred unconstrained.

The final blow came quickly. He saw as his mother swayed, her body slackening dramatically. Was she dead? No -- his eyes found her chest, watching for the slowly rising chest that indicated she was still breathing. She was. Fire burned in Basilisk's purple eyes. He would avenge his mother -- how dare this bitch waltz in like she owned the place and take it away from not just Newt, but all of them? Spit fell from his jowls as he snapped and snarled, though he did not move forward, standing in place and struggling to withhold himself from pouncing on Medusa himself.

She spoke, but her words were inaudible to the boy. A brief glance was given in the direction of his father's battle. He seemed to be holding his own, but there was a decent chance he could be losing his life today. Basilisk couldn't take that. He moved from his sister's side then, turning to leave and head away from the gathering. Medusa's completed challenge fueled the boy's inevitable hatred, the darkness that had slowly begun to eat at his core, as though sparking a fire within him. Without a word he slipped away, sure his mother would be taken care of, but also aware he was unable to stay around any longer lest he try to kill Medusa himself.