
The Whole World Passed Me By



8 Years
Chrono I
01-10-2018, 12:43 AM

She tried to ignore the scent, an irritable stench of the demon who happened to take her for granted. Much as they did, Agria saw herself as some kind of all-powerful being or whatever. Wolves should bow to her, fear her in every step she took. But she also knew  she wasn't truly built up for all that. She felt like only slaves would be by her side and everyone else would hate her in her rule. They'd all leave so... Who would be there to share the fun? Slaves couldn't sit beside her and watch her play with her meal and be sincere about enjoying it.

Anyways, she tried to ignore this irritable stench of the demon who took her. But for some reason, couldn't get the dick out of her head. She had never had anyone other than Angeal, so she couldn't understand why it was so difficult to just drop them. She had physically spoken out loud that she was getting rid of them yet she hadn't returned back home. She was still wandering around on this god forsaken continent full of deities and whatever else. Her mind telling her one thing and her body telling her another. You think it would be the opposite? Her body was following her puny, hateful heart where as her mind kept telling her she was getting out and moving on.

Lord! Had she been in this fucking forest for hours? She stomped around and huffed, all it was doing was getting her thinking of the wrongs she didn't want to think about. Along with the side notes of "left or right." Her rump fell to the dirt floor with a thud. A long sigh escaped her throat as her chin raised up to the tree tops with her fuchsia eyes closed as she just sat and thought. She just needed to calm down, erase her mind, and continue on.

Walk "Talk" Think