
The Whole World Passed Me By



8 Years
Chrono I
01-10-2018, 02:24 AM

She was getting a headache from the mockery. She was trying her very best to escape the brute, of course that was all a lie. She was still being held down by unknown feelings, she could have easily run off like this nymph he took. Of course she knew nothing of the girl, but if she ever laid eyes on her... She'd get a few thoughts on why Kaine came back to a colored girl. Maybe that rainbow was making him dizzy.

"Well I suppose if you really wanted me you would have claimed me in the various places we met?" She came to a sudden halt, looking to them for only a few seconds, this time more of a gentle grin as she eyed them before turning her head with a "Hmph."

Rolling her eyes she took another seat before going on, only a little bit of annoyance now in her tone, "You know, I can play both parts. The "scared little girl" and a woman who can take it hard. I'd think you'd know by giving me one look around." Her chin dropped as she tried to look away from the beast. She was referring to her scars if they knew at all. Only she wasn't ever "playing" for Angeal. But she could have for Kaine if she knew this would happen. "This" being the attachment she couldn't shake off, but them sticking it where they pleased had a role too.

In her head she wanted to believe they wouldn't do it again. That they really did come back for a reason. She may have been a change for them but it wasn't her best. Damn, if only they knew what the world had to offer. The world being her that is. "I don't belong to you. You've done nothing to make me feel that you want me."

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