
The Whole World Passed Me By



8 Years
Chrono I
01-10-2018, 03:16 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2018, 03:26 PM by Agria.)

Who would have guessed it. Her lack of desire to please them is what would be dragging them on. It was hard to believe on her part, she may have thought high and mighty of herself but surely Kaine must have found someone like her, someone who wasn't taken against their will, that would have filled that gap. Obviously not but she wouldn't believe it for a second.

She found herself growing silent as they would go on to affect her with such endearing words. Maybe on their side but not hers. She was nearly twitching to some of the words. Angeal was dead. She did it herself. She didn't need a fucking knight in shining armor to destroy him again. As much emotion as she could pour out of herself for what happened between her and her previous lover, it was a load of bull now. She didn't give a single fuck about what he did or what he left on her body. She had moved on from that so maybe she could move on from this.

She would rise to approach them, what little space was left between the two. She looked up at the beaming monster, arise out of them she found. The darkness around them was almost comforting to her, the whistle the breeze offered through the trees. Her eyes begging maybe, She tilted her chin gently before speaking in a close whisper, "Why don't you just fuck me now then?" Maybe an offer, maybe a question. The only thing hard for her to let go of was the sweet and sour scent of the woman's heat clinging to their body. But she would ignore it, she was almost demanding to be wrapped up in their giant form. She would tease them now, if they would allow it. No matter everything she said or they said... Maybe it was a good trait of hers to almost erase everything heard. Move day by day and don't let the past weaken you. She was thinking they could make this work even if she wasn't waking up at their side every morning. It would always make their time more meaningful.

Walk "Talk" Think