
This burning Desire Is turning me to sin



7 Years
01-10-2018, 11:37 AM
So much feels.

with the Devil ||

Their moment was raw, consumed by passion. When she laid her eyes across his body and their exchanged hungry, and feral gazes, in that moment she could feel him. Touch him. Taste him. On the curve of her lips, the surface of her long, and moistened tongue. The temptress was drowned in her memory, and soaked by the heat of his wanton transgressions; enveloped in waves of euphoric pleasure as he continued to feel his nibbles on her soft tissues of skin. Her body was a reminder of what he would do to her. Delicate and shivering with need; each night, each waking and gasping hour she wanted his nibbles. It became lavishing, how he would crush and hold her so close; and she grew desperate. Wild. Coveting, she was getting accustomed to abuse. Yet she grew acclimatized to his intense love and equally intense hatred. She would fret, weep in the eagerness of his bold adulation. Their envy would possess no mercy, aggressive as he had been his hatred and love melted into one another and it was all for her. And beneath the devouring warmth of his touch, she whispered, demanding; "No one else will have me from now on." To feel him beneath her pads, her limbs climbed on his shoulders to caress his soft and powerful shoulderblades, to dig her claws within the sweet tissues of skin. With him, she was eternally lusting and left aching with need. Breathless. She fed on his soul. She ravished his skin with her claws and tongue. She would kiss his neck, with her claws to his shoulder draining the red from their seas. Sweet, as his taste filled her lush and generous fangs. Made sweeter, by his hoarse groans and eager hands. It took only a moment before she retreated, crimson stained the claws as they his the ground. "We need to rest. We have a long journey ahead of us." and as the angelic sonates escaped her pretty maw, she laid down, her tail surrounding her retilian frame as her pomegranate optics closed, waiting for him.



Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together