
Doctor, Doctor Gimme the News



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
01-10-2018, 07:31 PM
A woman's voice broke through his steely resolve and snapped him back to his current predicament. He'd set his sights on The Empire and cleared his mind of all other thoughts in an effort to will himself home. An added benefit was that it was easier to ignore the pain if he focused on nothing but the goal before him.

The pain radiating through his head made his movements stiff as he slowly raised his head to look at the stranger. He was passed the point of being wary of strangers, but it wasn't like this particular one was going to him much trouble anyway. The manner in which she spoke suggested she lacked confidence even in the face of a wounded stranger, although he supposed (if it wasn't a ruse) she earned a point for courage for lacking confidence but offering anyway.

He sighed, head dropping (an action he regretted immediately as the changing pressure caused the wound to protest) as he was forced to swallow his pride. To avoid jostling the wound too much, he barely moved his lips and kept his reply short, "Yes, that would be much appreciated." Slowly, his movements pained as the inflammation in his face protested even the littlest changes in pressure, Malleus sat down. He thought it better to allow the uneasy woman to come to him on her own terms. Perhaps his sitting down (and the realization that she would have plenty of warning should he try to rise and harm her) would help put her at ease.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.