
Ripples and Fractals [Iskra]



6 Years
01-10-2018, 11:08 PM

Iskra shrugged dismissively, head held at a loft angle as she sighed, "I mean, if you say so." her tone remained thoroughly unconvinced, gaze casted skyward as she hummed softly, "That's all well and good, until you do it. What then does a conqueror do, when his conquest is complete, I ask? When there is no goal left to attain, the goal-oriented grow bored." She'd sneak a glance at him to see what type of reaction she got before shaking her head a bit. He'd turned out to be surprisingly amusing to talk to, if for no other reason than she liked messing with serious types until she got some kind of interesting reaction out of 'em.

White-tipped ears shot up, facing Ashiel as he described Arwen. So he had seen her! Oh good, at least someone knew where the child ran off to. Or rather, where she ended up after Iskra ran off... Minor details!  "Fantastic! Her name's Arwen. I guess I'm kind of her parent? I don't know, I found her," the red woman paused and eyed the green eyed wolf a moment, as though realizing her explaination sounded weird as hell and wondering if she cared. Let's see... Nope! "I'm just glad she's doing allright. She's picking up my penchant for mischief, I really ought to make sure she learns a bit more tact..." Getting lost in her own head worrying about when she might have a chance to ensure Arwen learned the basics of fighting so she'd be able to take good care of herself, and also wondering if the girl would enjoy a nice rabbit when Iskra caught her again, she eventually wondered if this was what parenthood might be. Constant worrying and thinking about the little rascals you were looking out for since they couldn't very well take care of themselves.

He looked funny all drenched like that! Not that Iskra was looking a whole lot more dry, but still! He looked half drowned. She laughed, a cheerful sound that rang through the trees and filled the space around them. She stopped when he seemed to take stock of what happened and began to speak. FINALLY a good response! "I highly doubt that," she challenged with a snarky edge to her tone. When he leapt at her it was somewhat unexpected and though she stumbled away a half a step it wasn't enough for her to get away.

"Ahhh, no no no!" she screamed, half terrified, half thrilled to have gotten a lively reaction from the younger male. They hit the water and Iskra was glad she had the presence of mind to take in a big breath before she was dragged down. Turning and nipping at his legs as they went under, Iskra could feel herself grinning as the water enveloped her and she sank a bit under the surface, still attempting to wrestle with him under the water as they went down and she felt her back hit the stream bed. Sticking her tongue out at the earthy grey boy, Iskra eyed him, surprised she could see allright under water. This was kind of awesome! Oh, but breathing was important! Kicking off the rocky bottom she sought the surface, taking in a big breath of air when she reached it and beaming in the direction of Ashiel. "So you CAN have fun! Who knew?"

Glancing down at the water, Iskra gave him a smirk and asked, "Wanna go see what's down there? I bet there's like, treasure or something."


Table image by Argenticide