
That Girl



07-04-2013, 09:23 AM
Success! She had managed to find him on the first try. It was a bit difficult with the fog, but he hadn't been much of a challenge to find while he was speaking. The female couldn't help but grin, having won their little game, and her tail swished idly behind her as she looked him in the eye. Their rather close proximity didn't seem to bother her - and it wasn't until the other brute cleared his throat that she realized she may just be breaking his little bubble of personal space. "Sorry." She said, a surprisingly gentle tone to her voice. Stepping back, she gave him space to breath, and to speak.

While she was answering him, her answers seemed natural to her - but hearing him repeat them Chrysanthe realized that indeed - it was a strange combination. But he had asked, and she had told him before that she wasn't your average female. "They seem perfectly normal to me." She said, hiding a touch of laughter. Ah well, he was a bit odd as well, and they had at least the stranger part in common - he seemed to be having a good time speaking with her, and they had only just met.

He was a free spirit, but apparently even that came with difficulties. She could only imagine that he had trouble letting some things go living the way that he did. That would put him in a position where he was often left as being the one to forgive and forget or be the bigger man in tricky situations. As for Chrys, she could hold a pretty mean grudge when it came to certain subjects - that added to her current position in life, his way of living seemed damn near impossible in every possible way. "Themisto - I was wondering when I would get a name out of you." Now she had a name to the face. "I'm Chrysanthe Adravendi."

Perhaps he wasn't too informed on the family line just yet?

"I'd like to see you while you're feeling ambitious. Proper motivation can make or break most actions." She couldn't help but wonder exactly what he would fight for. "Your family is all so different - based on the way you act, I would never know that you, Gideon and Gerdhart were all related." Not to mention Maverick, who barely fit into the equation at all with his looks added into the thought. "Though I guess that's family for you." Her own varied as well - but they seemed to share the same core. Was that normal? Or were they something all their own?