
A New Journey



2 Years
01-11-2018, 10:18 PM

It had been a long trek across the lands from where she had last met the strange wolf Horus. Then she had almost been starving, having freshly come out of the winter months. Time had passed since then, and her condition wasn't much different now. She had spent some time on the southern continent resting her tired body, trying to regain some of her strength and weight back while spring was here. She was still terrible at hunting, and mostly survived by pure luck, finding burrows with helpless young within, or catching fledgling birds who couldn't take wing on the forest floor. Why she decided to move north she wasn't sure. She couldn't even come up with a decent theory why. Sure, one could always say that she had a longing for adventure, but she knew that that wasn't the real drive behind her movement. Whatever it was, it pushed her across a great distance across miles and miles of terrain. It surprised the female how few wolves she encountered. There were limited packs along the way; she found only two boundaries on the journey.

It was a beautiful day today with the sun just starting to brush against the top of the trees to set in the sky. Here the air was cooler than where the female had came from. In the south the air had been dry, and often she had to take breaks to keep from overheating. Shade had been a must to keep cool. Here, though the air felt more moist, it was cooler. There was a crispness in the air that came with the moisture and though Enya was once again thin from her journey, she felt a renewed energy coursing through her veins as she paused to inhale a deep breath. She took in the scene around her, having come up on a lake with large cattails out deep in the lake. She liked it here, she instantly decided. The ambient noises around here were peaceful and it made her feel serene.

She was enjoying the breeze tussling her fur when suddenly she saw a flash of white far off in the distance. With her curiosity perked, her own dark figure picked up pace from a stand to a trot, aiming towards the sands the white figure had darted towards. Using the tall grasses that surrounded the sands as cover, she paused just behind them, letting them conceal her figure. A wolf she thought to herself as she watched the male swim back to the shore and roll in the sands. She smiled at his antics and poked her nose from the tall grasses, revealing herself fully in case he hadn't already seen him. The sun shined on her dull coat which had finally shed out completely, but lacked luster from her malnourishment. "How's the water temperature?" she questioned kindly as she approached, closing the distance until there were but a few wolf lengths between them. Then she nodded her head to the male, careful not to let her eyes leave him in case he decided to make an unwise move. Though she gave every indication that she was attempting to be friendly doesn't mean he was going to react the same way. So, in her own self preservation, her leg muscles were taut, ready to allow her body to spring in any direction necessary.

[Image: 2hnqhaq.jpg]