
should'a kissed you good night

Talon I


4 Years
07-04-2013, 11:25 AM
(Hmmm, we can assume that they're still in Seracia, since Eve is kinda MIA and Amenti is no longer xD We'll figure out the rest when they have to meet again. <3 Also since I'm not sure if Tad will reply to our thread, I'll assume it was cut short by their mom calling for them to return home, after he told her about Seracia and where it was vaguely, etc.)

Whenever someone called to him... well, it was always his mom, or sometimes his sisters. But mostly it was his mom. The distorted howl of a young wolf broke his concentration. Talon had been hovering over a small stream, lowered onto his belly and lashing out with his paws at passing fish, struggling to catch one. He knew he ought to just climb in -- his mama told him that he should try to swim, since running was not the easiest thing for him -- but he was afraid of water, afraid of getting caught in the rapids and being carried away forever. A sigh escaped his jaws as he struggled to all three paws.

Since he'd gotten a bit older, he'd realized something was different around him -- maybe even wrong with him. Nobody said anything, but he was the only wolf he'd seen in all of Seracia with only three legs instead of four. He enviously watched how gracefully the wolves around him traveled; he'd grown accustomed to his own way of moving, but it was more awkward than anything, and he could never move as fast as he wanted to. The sigh soon faded as soon as he recognized the source of the call. Kangi! The pretty girl he met in the forest with Misty. The one who they had such a hard time talking to, for some reason. He still maintained the belief that she said words differently than they did, but he still didn't fully comprehend that she'd grown up with an entirely different language than him. Perhaps it was his mysteriousness that intrigued him so, or the surprise that she cared enough to show up after a full season.

His ears perked as he headed towards the source of the call. Before long, she came into view, strolling without a care across the borders. She was looking for him! His tongue lolled from the side of his mouth as he tried to quicken his pace, though he didn't want to fall in front of her and make a fool out of himself. Clear silver eyes widened as he drew near to her. She was even prettier than when they had first met! She'd grown quite a bit; as had he. A smile painted his delicate features, his own tail wagging rapidly behind his slender frame. She'd cared enough to find him! It made his heart swell in his chest, happy to have found a friend outside of his family. And one that cared enough to come see him again.

But she wasn't supposed to be here -- his brows furrowed a bit, but the smile refused to fade. "Kangi!" He said a bit too loudly as he hobbled forward, barking happily. "You have to be careful!" He warned her, shaking his head a bit, though the joy at her arrival would not disappear from his features. "The King could get mad that you're just coming in without waiting for someone." But she was just a child -- surely she wouldn't be punished, right?