
Northern Exposure [Echo]

Echo I


4 Years
01-13-2018, 01:47 AM
They call me the freak of the fall
You feel like a badboy? Well I'm King Kong...

Since he seemed like he wasn't totally horrible, Echo figured maybe she might consider holding back if he ever had something easily stolen. That was a pretty generous move by Echo's standards. Not stealing from someone was on par with giving a gift when you were a starving thief.

Nodding as he responded to her question, Echo took in the answer, analyzing his words carefully. He was lucky to be so large and capable. If Echo was big and tall she'd just walk up to people and grab their shit and scare the hell outta them withough batting an eye. Shrugging, she giggled, "I mean, I have met someone once who was better off than me and stole once in a while just for a challenge. I can see though how someone taller and larger like you would have more trouble being sneaky though." Even Echo wasn't as good as Solana when it came to being small and hard to notice when it counted. Urg, that name... Ignoring the confusing bit about a god, she ventured, "Even if you're not stealing, stealth is as good a trait as any to train and hone. A good fighter ought to be well rounded and capable of all types of tactics, right?" The guards in that burning desert hell sure trained every aspect of themselves. They were a formidible enemy, she'd give them that. Yeesh, the more she thought of it though the more bitter she became over the whole topic.

She hadn't even realized they were nearing the end of this trail until they were almost on flat, non mountainous ground. Thank the heavens, the stars, the snow that let her escape it's evil clutches at long last! She was free! Discreetly, she kicked the snow a bit as she took a step with a hind leg, as though to show it she was done with it's shit. Stupid white fluffy crap. It looked so nice until it almost froze you to death. "I've rather enjoyed our conversation. If you ever need someone stealthier than you, come find me," she laughed. With a wave of her dark tail, Echo turned to leave, glancing over her shoulder and fixing him with a playful look, "If they do, don't carry anything too shiny. Have fun with your own travels." Who'd have thought she could be halfway polite? Turning and loping off in a southwestern direction, Echo surged towards the warmth she could almost feel, excited to see a familiar climate again.

-exit Echo-

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."

Table image by Pimsri