
Pounding Metal



7 Years
01-13-2018, 10:48 PM

Table & Art by Vethysnia
Slipping beneath the horizon, the orange sphere gave way to the blackened night sky. Twinkling lights littered the inky heavens, shimmering in the darkness, flickering intermittently as if to a tune only they could hear. Mother of all these things made her entrance, silvery face gently illuminating the atmos about her. The maestro of the stars, the very thing that seemed to give them life was she - a beautiful and serene creature of the night. Reverence proper was given to Mother Moon in the form of a subtle bow of the cranium from the gilded babe. A flow of sadness passed her mind, lasting only a mere moment, she had to wait for the night to pass in order to continue crafting her compass. Given to her real religion,  the ancient egyptian one, the woman still harbored tremendous respect for the deities that her mother used to talk about. It was all beautiful and cruel in her eyes, a machine, each and every bit combining and working together to keep the earth in the delicate balance it needed in order to survive. Passion was woven into the supple tendrils of hair that covered her body, ingrained into those sparkling and shimmering eyes however the same passion began to boil within her veins, auditory system rotated upon her crown, syllables and words came penetrating, the other man insults reached her and her once calm nature cracked right before his eyes.

How dare you mindlessly throw your serpent tongue? venemous words escaped her tongue. Inky black lips pulled backwards to reveal the murderous canines. Her reptilian bodice still ached after the spar with the Dauntless man however she had to step cautiously, was this was she needed now? She already has been a participant of multiple fights and her body certainly has not healed since the last one? Was she able to take him down? Many thoughts passed the babe's mind in that moments, pomegranate optics observed the man before her, her uncle, unleashing his poisonous words right in front of her. You and your siblings, you lot were not capable to defend your oh so precious home and now you are saying that? Bitch please.   she responded to fire with fire, adding more fueling that could enrage Horus but she was not able to stop. Boohoo. Stop your whining princess. We all have been suffering a tremendous amount of pain due to your damned brother. You see me whinning? Hell no.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together