
Eyes wide open [Open healing training!]



2 Years
01-13-2018, 11:47 PM

He'd been on the move since talking to Aggie and Kai. Setting off on his own little adventure both to get more familiar with these lands as well as to make sure his adventure took place while it was still spring so he wouldn't melt while trying to enjoy himself. It'd been fun so far, but a little quiet and lonely. Wandering and seeing the sights was fun and all, but Jouko was getting bored again. He wanted to meet some new faces for once. That, and he needed to start gathering herbs now that it was spring, the season healers waited for with baited breath. After a great deal of thought and tossing around half-formed ideas, the man had an idea he couldn't get out of his head.

That all had lead him to this moment, carrying a small bundle in his mouth as he trotted slowly through the plants which waved all around him as a soft breeze pushed and pulled at the plant life as well as his thick fur. Wandering until at last he sat in the middle of the land in a space that was relatively open and flat, with mostly grass and some small flowers growing in it Jouko deposited his bundle at his paws and looked the space over with a pleased expression. Yes, this would do quite nicely. He nosed at the bundle - part of a deer hide which held inside of it several smaller bundles wrapped in rabbit pelts. Pushing them into a neat little line, the man sat before his setup with cyan eyes gleaming and tail gently tapping the ground behind him. Yes, this looked good. It was perfect!

Once he was happy with the arrangement of things, Jouko lifted his muzzle skyward to send out an open call to other healers. He didn't really care who they were; be they pack wolves, loners, new healers, old ones, he'd be happy to have someone to sit and exchange knowledge with. Hopefully his preparations would prove to be time well spent. While he waited for others to arrive, Jouko took a small step back from the bundles. There was a somewhat unpleasant odor coming from one of the tightly wrapped mystery packages and he didn't wanna stand right over it until he actually needed to.

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."