
I Once Had A Pair of Siamese Elephants… [Ara]



10 Years
01-14-2018, 05:04 PM
It was easy to slip into her usual role of healer, even before Ara knew that this man needing any help. Her gaze was scrutinizing as she craned her neck to get a better look at him, finally noticing the wound on his back left leg. It wasn't a life-threatening injury, but he was bleeding and it'd be good to get his wound looked at. He seemed a bit sheepish and curious, but not completely displeased with her arrival. She tried to loosen up her expression, offering him a gentle smile as he spoke and admitted that he'd gotten caught in a stampede, but had been clipped by something. "Well, I'd say you were pretty luck, all things considered," Ara commented softly, eyebrows raising.

She knew it was obvious to most that she was a healer - she'd only seen wolves who were healers even consider these strange bags they'd found as part of their everyday look. To others, they'd likely only be a hindrance unless they collected some other small trinkets. Ara nodded in answer. "I am a healer, and my help is always open to any who need it," she smiled at the thought of having someone to tend to. This male was called Ashiel Abraxas, which was a family she hadn't heard of.. not that she'd cared much at all about families or politics for any portion of her life, especially not lately, so it was little surprise she didn't know of them. "My name's Ara."

She moved a step closer to study his wound for a moment, brows furrowing again in thought. After a moment she moved to lean toward the ground, her bag settling down on the earth and naturally opening slightly. She shrugged it off and began to nose through it, examining its meager contents. She grabbed a branch of yarrow and set it down on the ground. "You should lay on your right side," Ara suggested gently. "I'll help you clean your wound and apply a paste to it. I have some yarrow that should help the healing process, as well as manage any pain."