

Medusa i


5 Years
07-04-2013, 01:12 PM

She did not expect many to attend at all; one, maybe two at most. It would be a start, and the serpent Queen would appreciate anyone who decided to show their face. A pack of three was better than a pack of two, after all. Nonetheless, she did not assume when the curious faces started to appear. Their presence did not mean a membership; it did not mean she had much more than a few who wished to see what she could do. She let her bi-colored eyes rove over those who attended, nonetheless, inspecting them, evaluating them, picking them apart. She was an opportunist above anything else, and thus when she looked upon the faces she tried to learn what she could.

The first to arrive was an angel with pink eyes, stating that she would heal wounds if necessary. She was a pretty thing, and Medusa supposed that she could use somebody to look her over. She?d worked hard these past couple of days, and she wasn?t too certain that she hadn?t overworked herself. ?After the meeting, perhaps, doll,? she purred. Next to arrive was a girl whose pelt still smelled of Amenti, a girl whom the snake was uncertain of but whose presence was not minded all that much. Jezebel. A brief nod was given to the girl, as well as a thoughtful glance. Assassins could come to much use, especially if Newt waged the war she was planning. But was this truly a wolf who had lived under the Queen Slayer?s reign, who was to say that she had any sort of loyalties? Or that, if she did, she still held them for Newt.
Another white she-wolf approached, silent and saying nothing, but noted all the same. There was little the serpent could do with such silence, little she could try to pick apart and discern. Next was a male, a strange appearance considering that so far females had been far more intrigued by the snake?s pack. Well, aside from Deteste. Perhaps this male would be of some use to them. The midnight Queen looked upon the last arrival, a darkened beauty who already seemed familiar with the first arrival. She inquired about fealty, and with that the harlot decided it was best to begin. She, in all truth, had not a fucking clue about what she was doing. Direct leadership was not her strength, and she hoped that maybe her secondary alpha would help this. For now, however, she had to put her charming pants on and seduce these few into her pack.

?My name is Medusa, the Madame of Amenti,?she spoke to the crowd. ?I have called this meeting to see who might be interested in joining my ranks, and who might have questions about my position here,? she announced. That much should have been obvious, but it was better to cover all of her bases. ?This is not a binding contract. If you don?t like what I say, you are more than welcome to leave. I only ask that you do so swiftly,? she said. It was all preliminary bullshit; little nice things to say that would paint herself as a much nicer individual than she actually was.

?My rules will be simple; do what you want, but if you don?t pull your weight, don?t expect me to bail you out,? she said. Medusa cared little for policing the morality of her members; be they murderers or rapists, she did not mind so long as they regarded the alliances of the pack and could take what they dished. ?For obvious reasons, anyone who acts against an ally will be punished. Currently, our only and closest allies are Ludicael. To act against them will be treated the same as acting against a fellow pack member,? she spoke. Alliances were power for now; until they earned a substantial number of members, they would rely upon their closeness with other packs for protection.
It was then that her attention returned to the black female with powdered undersides, having not ignored her question. ?I do not think it would be fair to ask for what I have not earned,? she told the woman. ?I require those that breathe and can hunt and look after themselves. Loyalty comes with effort, and aside from a battle, I have done little to earn any of your loyalty,? she said, looking up and gauging the reactions of the crowd. ?But if you would give me the chance, I believe I can prove myself,? she said. It would take one hell of an effort, but she would do her best to be an efficient Queen.
?As for ranks, they must be earned. I may give certain members ranks to see how they do, to test them, but these will not be permanent positions unless those I choose prove competent,? the serpent stated. ?Since we are on the topic of ranks, I would like to reveal that, for now, our Master, our second Alpha if you will, is a man named Deteste,? she said. She hoped that they, together, would present a compelling option for those gathered. ?Now that I have bored you all to death, are there any questions?? she would say, gazing at the crowd and wondering who would speak up. Had she interested them?