
Blood in the Water


01-15-2018, 01:00 PM
He knew that Eury had left their father just a couple of months ago. She had confided in Mercury of her intention, and had told no one else. Kronnoah initially had been upset of his daughter’s absence, but Mercury had taken the opportunity to explain to him that she had needed to grow her wings, fill in her coat and flourish as an individual. He’d missed out the part about Amon though; Mercury was not sure of their relationship and so he left out the parts that would perhaps lead Kronnoah to come after them.

The older sibling had thought about leaving for quite some time, and Eury had really put the cherry on the cake for the male. As much as he loved his father, Mercury could not stop in his pack all his life – the boy needed to grow and to move on, to develop his own future, not one expected of him. And so he left his father, explaining that for him too it was time to build up his own kingdom. Perhaps one day he’d return, but for now he looked towards the future.

”Amon,” He called from behind the black brute, ice-y eyes watching as he walked forward, standing behind the male and stopping just a few paw-lengths away from him. He’d missed his Uncle, he really had. Expression remained neutral, however, as he dipped his head in greeting. ”It’s good to see you again.” Mercury remarked with a flick of his ear.