
Sunset Sublime



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-15-2018, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2018, 05:31 PM by Amon.)

Ranging beyond his borders was not something Amon thought overmuch off. The fate and safety of his Empire was of paramount importance, above all else, but that did not mean he could not trust the rest of his kind to love and protect it as ardently as he himself. The Fallen God would love and protect all of his children, so what did he have to fear? With a lightness to his gate, the titan seemed to flow over the terra as he ran, exulting in the feel of cool, dry air rushing through his lungs.

He found it beneficial to be as aware of the surrounding lands as he was of his own. Anything less would feel complacent, and so he made a point to patrol them regularly. That day he turned his course north and west, following the land as it rose. Misty air from the ocean coalesced against the cliff face, its precipitation paired with the past seasons rainfall combining to create an elaborate series of falls. The land was verdant yet, even as the dry season had arrived, the greenery growing ever more verdant the closer he drew to the falls. Amon slowed as they came into.

He had been in this place several times before, but he had yet to tire of the view. He stood on the shore of the small pool, looking up at the cascade as he pondered where to go from there. Amon had a mind to climb the cliffs and overlook the shore, and so he set off away from the falls, climbing ever higher as the land rose and picking his way amongst jumbles of slick stone as he went.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!