
Glaciem Meeting



07-04-2013, 01:27 PM


Cross could sense the seething that lay beneath the surface of all of those around him. Odd. He didn?t feel any of that. He just felt? detached. Perhaps cold was really the word, but he was too numb to recognize that there was anything wrong. By all appearences he was just a lazy eyed, grumpy little ragamuffin, but he was still his own character. The child, to the child?s mind, is an adult. And as such, he was dealing withit all in his own good way.

In his opinion, his mother and father had said everything worth the saying. The pair of wild eyed challengers had made it clear that dispite how much they might come off as rude and merciless, they weren?t hampering the Glaciem wolves in any way. They were all free to go back to their home without harm. A true villain would?ve hurt them or kicked them out of their home right? Everyone was getting their hackles in a raise, but the truth was, compared to the rogues like Sixx (Cross shuddered) and that nameless one that had killed Aunty Asheni, these two were downright friendly.

Of course, Cross kept these thoughts to himself. He kept everything to himself recently. Silently, he turned at his mother?s urgings and started trodding back through the snow, eyeing his siblings and cousins ? and Kairos ? who, in the boy?s mind ? was now somewhere in between the two. The pair of them had had their first sight of blood and death and violence together and that was something that wasn?t easily forgotten. To be honest, Kairos was the one Cross felt most comfortable around now. The black mottled pup understood. He didn?t have to wonder why Cross didn?t talk anymore.

The Glaciem family was beginging to leave ? well, no wait, lupine tradition decreed that that wasn?t what they were anymore. They were rogues now, and they?d have to find some other name for their family group. Perhaps band or clan or tribe or gang. Gang sounded fun. But so did ?The Snow Rogues?. Cross liked the ring to that. Maybe even enough to suggest it quietly to one of the other pups later. He?d let someone else present the idea to the adults.
