
nothin' but a good time


07-04-2013, 01:50 PM

The imp padded a few more steps towards a larger mound of debris, still clutching the plastic. It looked like a nice perch, rising up from the ground maybe four feet like some forged hill. The elevation was enticing; Caesar liked to stand atop those overlooking sorts things and feel powerful. As paws pressed down upon the coarse and litter coated ground, another piece of glass thrust at his toe. He let out a small, indignant grunt, and lifted the foot to glance at it. Releasing his strip of plastic, he plucked the little shard free with his front teeth and spat it to the side. Then he proceeded to snatch the plastic up again and head towards to trash pile.

A noise caught his attention before he could ascend to his throne, and he turned. Ragged ears perked and the hellion?s dark face was hauntingly empty as he stared. A younger wolf was there, not far from him. Caesar did not have much love for younger wolves, especially babies. This one didn?t seem like a baby, but rather a yearling. Either way, he was not immediately welcoming. He blinked his foggy blue eyes and stretched and pulled his jaws together a few times, rumpling the plastic that he held to force that nice crackling sound into the air. His dirty fur ruffled slightly, and he backed up to plop himself at the bottom of the pile of garbage he?d sought. He flicked his tongue out a few times to spit the plastic between his forepaws before stating plainly, ?Mine.? His plastic. He was sure everyone would want it and its crinkly splendor, but it was his.