
Mood Is A Thing For Cattle [Amos]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-16-2018, 07:23 PM

Ashiel caught the sound of rustling palms and glanced up for a moment to see his kite, Griff, peering over and listening with interest. He knew that canine fighting methods did catch the birds interest. Ashiel nodded at Amos' question about strategies. "Yes, that's really the best way. When it comes time for a fight you want your body to react naturally, on instinct. Over-thinking in a fight will only hurt you. Your opponent isn't going to give you time to work out intricate plans and strategies."

He nodded again as Amos spoke. "Crippling an opponent of any size is an advantage. Smaller wolves can be faster so it's useful to limit their movement." Amos next question was a bit trickier. Ashiel had never really had to think like a smaller opponent before but he could see how this would be a valuable asset. "That's tricky. I've never tried to think like a smaller wolf before. I would say though since you're lower go for lower targets. You're uniquely suited to get at tendons in the front and back limbs. Ramming your shoulder into an opponents knee at a good angle could dislocate it. If the angle is right you can also try going for the belly, or if your opponent is male, his uh… you know." Ashiel hoped these ideas would help. He knew as a larger opponent he was always a bit more nervous about his undersides when facing off against smaller wolves.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.