



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-16-2018, 08:34 PM
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Moonlight loomed low on the horizon as the evening sun was swallowed by darkness, it's remaining light flickering red and faded in the distance. The moon was full and bright as Ashiel stepped into the Boneyard, taking a deep breath of cool air. Tonight was the night he stepped through the gates of destiny and made his mother and his uncle proud. Tonight was the night he'd be crowned an emperor.  Ashiel scoped out a decent flat area with few rocks or bones and carefully primed himself for the battle to come. Griff, his black-winged kite, was perched in a tree that was growing just outside the battle ring and doing his own preparing. A blind mortal alpha wasn't something Ashiel could understand. The moment he'd caught that weakness he had an pulsating instinct to snuff it out. After all, was his family not put on this earth to take power from such as these? They did not deserve to be leaders in this land.

Even so, Ashiel was wary. His time spent with Valdís had him questioning the nature of magic. Her people believed that if a warrior were true and lost a part of himself in battle that he might gain a gift in its place. Was it possible that Dragon held some sort of second sight now? Valdís… she was going to be pissed and he felt a sting of regret at that but it swiftly passed. They barely knew each other. They'd only met a few times and one of those times had ended in a battle. She'd be just another mortal if it weren't for her sorcery.

Of course proximity had been the main factor. Ashiel was looking to set up a pack in Auster and so it was in Auster he would make his challenge. It also helped that he'd toured Talis with his mother. They'd joked about it afterward. The thrill of it, being led right into the heart of that poor pack with only their own interests in mind. Ashiel's mind had been set to conquest. Pyralis was a free spirit and had no strong feelings toward the mortal pack one way or another. When he'd named his target to her she laughed. The mortal alpha was no more than an amusement to her in the way a pup might find excitement in a one-winged bird.

Tipping back his head he howled, a strong, low note that summoned the alpha of Talis to the battlefield to defend his pack. It was an old way of doing things but Ashiel wanted this to be about him. He didn't care to have his family go waltzing into Talis like they had in Dragoste. He wanted them at the Boneyard, watching, witnessing him. Besides, he planned to give Talis the same offer as Dragoste had been given before their alpha's foolish insistence on a death match.

The last light of the sun vanished and the moon rose full, bright and beautiful as Griff rustled his feathers. Ashiel whispered a silent prayer and prepared for the battle at hand.

ASHIEL vs DRAGON for TALIS (Pack Challenge)
RD. 0/?
Height: 42"
Build: Heavy


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.