
nothin' but a good time



07-04-2013, 02:37 PM
Arella's eyes slowly adjusted to the rapidly changing light. She really ought to be getting home soon -- not that she really knew how to find her way back. Her gentle, albeit somewhat excited gaze followed the view she had of the stranger as he attempted to clamber up higher, onto a pile of something. How dangerous! What if he went falling and cut himself on something sharp? Well, it seemed he already had, judging by the awful stench of blood that seemed seeped into his fur. She noted how strongly it emanated from him as she took a few hesitant steps closer to him, intrigued by the male.

She was glad when he paused, turning to gaze at her. A small smile played at the corners of her lips. He was small, though he seemed a bit older than her. But he was so dirty! She was reminded of how carefully her mother had groomed her when she was just a few months younger, and wanted so terribly to rush forward and clean him up. But she withheld her urges, knowing that she would be annoyed if someone tried to do that, since she could certainly take care of it herself.

He loudly proclaimed that the thing he'd been carrying was his, and she shrugged, grinning wider. "I know! I don't want it. I just wanted to say hi." It was painfully honest -- and she was painfully naive, standing there with a grin on her face, her tail never stopping its movement behind the young girl.