
Never looking back



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-18-2018, 08:30 AM
As Valdís mentioned something about her early life, Asvor perked up with interest - she'd always wanted to know more about her, but hadn't quite known how to ask. She'd been drawn to her because of the slight hint of shared culture between them. She thought back to when they'd first met, when Valdis had been digging a den, and she'd mentioned she knew of Freyja. Though she'd mentioned too she didn't believe in gods and spirits.. it was more than most wolves knew, and she'd been hooked pretty much from that moment on.

She nodded in understanding at her story. "I wouldn't worry. I'm sure you made the right choice," she agreed softly. "I think most things end up working out in the end. And if not, they were not meant to be." Unlike Valdis, she did believe in gods and spirits - and believed that, though wolves had free will, their lives were often nudged along by a plenitude of gods and that things generally worked out the way they were suppose to.

Asvor couldn't help but feel similar discomfort at the fact that their paths seemed destined to not cross as she had found herself hoping they might. Would it stop her from wanting to see Valdis again? Definitely not; the distance tended to only make her long to see Valdis more, and even if it wasn't as frequent as she hoped, she would still make the effort whenever she could. Her own expression wilted slightly, finding it hard to keep her mind from straying down that path. But she would enjoy their time together as best as she could for now.

The other woman's sound made her wince, feeling worry form in her stomach. "Alright, let's rest then," she suggested lightly. Stretching out her sore body was a start, but overdoing it wouldn't do her any good. Asvor scoped out a decent patch of earth, protected slightly by some thick bushes, and directed them towards it, finally moving to lie down and jerking her muzzle toward her chest to direct Valdis here. They'd sort of rested together once, the first time they'd met, but she couldn't help but want to feel Valdis curled against her - she just hoped she wasn't being too presumptuous in assuming she might want the same. "Lay with me for awhile? Then in the morning I'll be on my way." She smiled almost sadly at the thought of leaving, but figured they might as well make the most of their time together if this was how things would be.