
Ghost Of A Girl



07-04-2013, 02:46 PM

She had become a shadow of the girl she once was, a shell of a powerful woman she had been known as while ruling over her kingdom along side her king. She had fallen into a world of darkness, one where her mind played wicked tricks on her shattered heart, one where the earth itself watched her every movement, her every breath, her every heart beat. She had fallen into an unbreakable phase, one where she was forever trapped inside her mind, one where hatred and revenge plagued the sweet woman's heart. She would never be the same, the sweet and sensual woman she used to be was gone forever. All that was left behind now was an empty shell, and an empty heart that no one could fill. Ever since her attempt at suicide she had forever drowned her brain, and as time passed it would only get worse. At first her memory had broken, and she feared she would never repair the pieces; but with it all came back, and every bitter and depressing feelings she had felt multiplied. Her divorce, her loss of the throne, her banishment from the kingdom, it all came back with a bitter sweet taste; and as she went on the memories only continued to haunt her to the point of madness. She had completely flipped inside out, and it was all because of Gerhardt. Someday she would have her revenge on the man. She would steal his kingdom, she would shatter his heart, and she would destroy every bit of security and protection the man had in his life; just as he did to her. He would pay for his actions, and Adette would go to her grave trying to turn the man inside out. Revenge would only continue to consume her until she had taken him down.

Somehow during her wandering she had ended up here, a colorful piece of Alacritis with a diversity of interesting plants and animals. She couldn't help but stare at the flowers, each one was so intensely colored that it toyed violently with her mind. More than often she could only stare for a few seconds before having to turn away. The intensity burned her eyes and sent her mind into a vibrating swirl, making her feel a bit dizzy. "You flowers will pay for what you've done, just like Gerhardt!" Hatred dripped off her tones like venom as she swiped viciously at each amethyst colored flower. She hated that color, it reminded her of the eye she used to stare into every night before falling asleep. After crunching up the flowers in her mouth she would spit them out onto the ground and continue to stomp on them with all her might. "This color be dead! Dead forever!" She screamed, her voice closely resembling that of a banshee. During her attempt at mass suicide of all the purple flowers she had completely missed the scent of another wold close by.