
In the dark of the night


01-19-2018, 07:52 PM
Navigation - The Shimmering Shore

Night is often the most treacherous of times, thieves come in the darkest hours, when the moon covered her beautiful face from the world below and shadows held dominion over all. Flowers painted the air with their delicate, sweet scents though they were distant and only on the gently salted air of the beach he rested upon. Night birds sang their haunting songs, backed by a chorus of far-off cicadas and katydids, the occasional coyote chiming in as back up vocalists. Soft clouds floated above the unusual sea that birthed him here, drifting through a moonless sky as an odd hush fell over the surrounding area. The dark being's pelt still held some of the shimmering blue-green waters that had delivered him onto the shore only moments ago, making his thick fur clump and cling on his skin. The dampened hair showed a hard musculature and deep-rooted strength, though it was clear he was a bit winded from the swim. His celestial pelt was an aid in hiding within the deepened shadows,
though on the white sands of the beach, they did little to help him blend in.

There hadn't been a more treacherous night than this, near starving and exhausted, the dark deity lifts his glorious crown from the sands with a deep and rolling growl. Grunting with strain as he lifted himself from the earth, the monster stared out at the shimmering tides that bore him into this land.
His galactic sides heaved, causing multi-hued fur to part and make him appear to be a fractured piece of the universe that had crashed here in a wet and shivering vessel. Ghostly white eyes scan the dunes and beach grasses for any sign of life as he turns his back on the oceanic mother, the stars on his back seeming to line up with the night sky that could be seen through sparse partings of the clouds overhead. The beast was hungry, and it showed as he flicked his darkly nebulous tail and ran his tongue down the length of his elongated canines. Padding forward with powerful strides that ate up the sandy beach, the male moved with the shoreline, watching as the waves broke and sparkled with microscopic life.

Where he was going, he wasn't sure, but he knew he would bring hell with him. It was only a matter of time, really.
"Talk." "You." Think.