
it's a melody; it's a battle cry


07-04-2013, 03:17 PM

Irin ignored the slightly skeptical note to the male's words and turned a beam upon him, her white tail wagging easily in the air behind her. "I bet you've wandered a lot. Have you ever seen anything like that? Any wolves with fish tails? Or, ooh, what about fish with wolves' tails?" It was a little unlikely, to be sure, but Irin was curious. Oh, she was terribly curious. She wanted to know, but she didn't in the same thought. She wanted to not know enough that there was still some mystery. Answering every question was boring. But this was one worth asking. Because even if he hadn't seen such things, they might still exist in places like this, lurking far beneath the thick ice.

Interesting. Yes, that much was true. Irin nodded her head slightly, swishing her tail easily. "I've never seen anything like it." She responded with a twitch of her ears, tilting her head as she examined the scarred wolf before her. "There's just so much to see." Even in her short time wandering these lands, she had discovered so many new things. Like this river and the ice that glowed like stars were trapped beneath it and the pretty lake that she had stopped at when she first arrived here.

Here, a frown crossed her features, and Irin looked curiously at the other wolf. "But why would they hurt me? I've never done anything to them." Glancing around, turned a soft blue gaze back upon the other wolf, looking almost nervous. "I mean... That's just wrong." Even in the worlds that she spun for herself, there was always a happy ending, always good wolves triumphing over evil and no one got hurt. It was a sharp reminder that the real world was, in fact, the real world, that wolves did get hurt. "You be careful too." Irin spoke softly, shaking her head slightly as she examined the other wolf. If there was evil out there, he had to be careful too!