
Rise Up



4 Years
01-21-2018, 01:32 AM

It was one of those evenings where everything was dying down. The sun had just dipped past the horizon and the world was beginning to be overrun with the dark cloak of night. It was peaceful during this time. The nights were getting to be a little chillier than usual, but it was nothing a thick coat like hers couldn't handle. In fact she fully relished the slightly colder climate than what they were used to. While she adored all Auster had to offer in terms of sightseeing it had nothing on northern Boreas where the temperatures suited her Ancora styled coat.

With the festival over Talis had died down a bit in activity, but not as much as before Dragon had called them all together. Now that everyone was dragging themselves out of the stupor they'd been in Afrit had been sticking around more often, if only to catch a glimpse of that pretty red woman again. She'd obviously missed a lot and new arrivals looked to be one of the most glaringly obvious things she'd failed to notice.

She was just getting ready to go find a comfy spot to lie down for the night when a howl split the silence of the night. Ears flicked as she tried to see if she recognized it, but nothing came to mind. Instead she was left confused as she tried to make sense as to why Dragon was being summoned. She'd never witnessed a challenge for a pack before, but there was nothing good in the sound of that tone. She stood with a fair amount of hesitation as she decided on whether or not she should go support her brother. In the end she made the most adult decision she'd made in a while. There was nothing she could physically do for Dragon at the time and her being there probably wasn't going to help him focus. Her efforts would be better left to stay at the pack and make sure the borders were defended so she remained. So she headed away from the heart of the territory and towards the border. So much for going to bed!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]