
A Door Has Closed, A Window Has Opened [Open Healing Lessons]



5 Years
01-21-2018, 09:19 AM
ooc: So sorry for the wait!

The vibrantly colored woman introduced herself as Caia. It was pretty name and a foreign sounding one. The raven-pelted woman hadn't responded. Was she nervous to? Lydia tried to smile reassuringly at her. Of course it also occurred to her that the woman could be deaf or mute and Lydia was probably standing there babbling like an idiot. Slowly the other woman would rise from her spot and move toward them. Lydia tried not to fix her with a direct gaze but that all went to mud when Caia turned and spoke in a commanding voice. Ach!

Lydia quickly stepped forward, aiming to nonchalantly put herself slightly between Caia and the stranger. She nodded. "Yes, it's alright. You don't need to be afraid. I don't want to hurt anyone. In fact I want to help others, you see. I'm training to be a healer. Do you have a name we may call you?" She felt like she was rambling but she also didn't want to scare off the stranger. To be honest she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because she'd been so terribly lonely and being in the nice little group of women was a nice change from her months of solitude.

She turned with a grin as Caia asked her about the bark. "White willow bark comes from the white willow tree. It's a large tree with grayish bark and I try to carry some on hand for the winter when I don't have many fresh green herbs available." She'd been working on drying them to have stores though the winter but that really only worked for a healer who had a place to stay. As a traveler there was only so much she could do but maybe one day she could have a nice pack and carry a wide variety of things with her. She'd heard of things called 'jars' that one could put items in. "You can use the bark to create a poultice to bind wounds and slow bleeding. It's also useful for easing the pain of headaches and arthritis. You just have to be careful of allergies."

"Talk" "You" Think