
Pounding Metal



2 Years
01-22-2018, 01:27 AM
A fury he had never felt before echoed through hi body. Her words seem to throw burning logs onto an already flaming pile. Who was this child to talk to him that way? When did respect and family bonds fly out of reach? What did his brother teach these young ones? Either way he was ready to show her the meaning of respect. At first it wasn't words that flooded through his mind but the vitals that she was showing to him. His eyes scanned her for weaknesses as his paws traced knowing steps around her to the left. He was careful with each step not one out balancing the other or placed heavily on the ground. He was ready for a strike but he wouldn't wait for her to.

His lips pulled back to reveal his ivory fangs to her. They looked almost too large for his long but pointed muzzle. "So you have spoken. Lets see if your fangs can carry the weight of them." Horus' voice was dark and sinister compared to the easy humor he usually spoke in. His eyes glinted with the slowly burning anger she kept force feeding him. It was so effective that his muscles tensed at the very mention of his brother. "You do not know who you speak of." With that he darted to the right and then to the left in a quick motion. His body coming at her from the left side of her ribs. His paws somewhat sliding in the snow bitten ground. He aimed to get close and personal just to show off his speed at first but his rage forced a move he never would have taken otherwise. Instead of just darting back to a safe area he wanted to force his left shoulder into the tender part of her rib cage just beside her shoulder blade.

Horus vs Nephthys for DOMINANCE
Round 1/3
Height 36"
Build Light
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me.