
Homeward bound



12 Years
Extra large
01-22-2018, 05:36 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2018, 05:36 AM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

The Archangel nodded at Exodus’s thanks, turning to pad alongside the boy as he crossed into Celestial’s lands. He was still an apprentice, in rank, despite being two – nearly three – years of age. Silently, regulus berated himself for not keeping up with mentoring his young cousin, after Exodus had shown so much initiative in coming to him first and asking to train as a warrior.

He was mulling these thoughts over, and opened his jaws to suggest they have a training session when Exodus was up to it, but Xodus spoke first, and Regulus paused to listen, nodding gently. “We all grieve differently. It’s… very normal, I suppose, to feel lost in such times. I miss my own mother and father. But yes. They are here,” he paused, shifting his weight onto his good hind leg to lift the opposite forepaw and touch his breast, “in my heart. And I know that wherever they are now, they’re stronger, and without worry.”

His father had never truly recovered after his blinding by Arcanum’s alphess, Cataleya. The loss of his sight had been the beginning to a long slide down into depression. Surreal’s death had been the overall death knell for Falk. And now that he had Solveiga, he understood the feeling of no longer wanting to walk the earth if one’s love no longer walked it beside you.

“Your parents would be proud of you. Are proud, I’m sure. You’ve shown a level head and integrity. I was very impressed by your fighting in the Raid, even with so little training from me—I am sorry for that… And I’d like to continue your training, even if you want to move up in rank. You’re certainly the wrong age to be an Apprentice anymore.” He gave a soft chuckle at the last words, studying the young wolf’s face.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]