
STANDING ON THE EDGE OF A REVOLUTION[Morningstar's band meeting]



5 Years
Extra large
01-22-2018, 03:40 PM
Aww man! Awakened by the booming song of her father, the youngster rolled onto her side. Pallid fur sullied by dirt and leaves, the child felt no desire to leave her bed. Mama had been gone for a long time, and there was no sign of her being back any time soon. How far away was the motherland? Mama hadn't said that, and the youth was beginning to feel as though something was wrong. What if her mama never came back? She loved Da, but being without her mama was out of the question. A soft whimper was pushed through her rosy lips. "Yaya," She whined, rolling over in hopes to push her nose into the plush fur of her sister's ruff. "не хочу." She grumbled, pouting.

Darya didn't seem to care. Dom was fast asleep, completely unaware of what was happening. When the largest of the sisters got to her feet and wandered to the mouth of the den, the alabaster babe frowned. Languid limbs pulled her across the floor until she was curled up beside Dominika. Laying there for a few moments, she tried to ignore the pull to listen to her Da. Tormented mind would be illustrated through roving eyes that flicked from the nest to the mouth of the den. A rough growl would be uttered as she shoved to her feet. Fine! If Da wanted to see her, then she would go. After that, she was going to bed.

Trudging out into the snowy clearing outside, she sulked her way into the sunlight. "What goin' on?" She asked her Da, looking around at the assembled. So far it was Darya and some big guy that looked like Mammon but... inside out. Was that the right one? It sounded.. kind of right.

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics